Oddball Tales
Oddball Tales
Spoken Oddball Tales

Spoken Oddball Tales

My stories take on a new form: the voice. Happy listening!

Welcome to Oddball Tales

A home for storytellers, story lovers, and inspiration seekers where I share my journey as a writer and the stories that I craft from ideas, dreams, and daydreams.

I’m Magnolia Fay and I’m the Oddball author.

I have been writing fiction for the past 15 years, in notebooks, emails, blogs, Word documents. After being a nomad for such a long time, my writing is glad to have finally found a home.

So, welcome to the dwelling place of my characters and stories; we are all very happy to meet you.

Hello dear readers! It is so lovely and strange to speak to you directly and through my voice.

It was always my intention to create a space where stories were told through more than one medium. That is why I have been experimenting with my collages and pictures that I associate with my stories. I wanted that visual connection to the tales I was telling. I wanted to create visual art with my stories in mind and see where that would take me.

I have loved experimenting with the medium of collages and will continue to include that in my oddball stories. And now, I feel that I am ready to expand to yet another means of fruition. A completely different sensory experience as well.

This is my announcement that, as from this month, an audio version of my oddball tales is going to be released monthly in this space. They will come slowly, one at a time, and they won’t be in chronological order. Each one of them will arrive when it’s ready and when it feels right.

So, it will be a small surprise each month for you, dear readers, or rather, dear listeners. It might also be an excuse to revisit old oddballs, who knows?

I can’t wait to discover what this new side of creativity holds. I hope you will love listening to it as much as I love experimenting with it.

So, without further ado, sit down, relax and enjoy this adventure with me.

Oddball Tales
Oddball Tales
To all storytellers, story lovers and inspiration seekers: welcome to my home for stories, art and writing talk.